Dr. M. Emil Rachman, S.E., M.M.

email: emil.rachman@ubl.ac.id

Jabatan Fungsional


NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya



Mata Kuliah yang Diampu

1.  Fintech

2.   International Business

3.  Digital Marketing



English Program on Intensive English Course (IEC)    


Microsoft Office Course on LM Patra


Statistical Analysis System subject Econometrics (SAS/ETS) on Agricultural Economics Program Studies (EPN – IPB)


Writing Scientific Papers, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education – LPPM IPB

2003-2004 : Marketing at Citibank

2004-2006 : Operational Manager at EverGreen Nusa 

2005-2006 : Design Interior at PT. Selancar Mandiri

2006-2008 : Operational Manager at Monty’s Plant Food Indonesia 

2008-2009 : Human Resource Development and Operational Manager PT. Surya Go Gas Indonesia

2010-2014 : Chairman of Faculty Economics Study Program at UMPTB Lampung with (NIDN-PDDIKTI) 0224038101

2019-Present : Lecturer Faculty of Economics and Business Management University of Bandar Lampung (UBL)

1999 : Basketball Athlete on Pra National Sport Week (PON) Sumatra 

1999 : Basketball Athlete on Regional Sports Week (PORWIL) Sumatra

2001 : Basketball Athlete UNILA on Presidential Thropy Megawati Soekarno Putri, Yogjakarta

2002 : World Cyber Game, 2nd Champion,  Jakarta 

2018 : 2nd Champion on Basketball Pasca Cup IPB, Bogor

2019 : 1st  Champion on Basketball Pasca Cup IPB, Bogor

2020 : Moderator on International Webinar ICBFG (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPGmZJ0HwVQ)

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Internal Audit of the Credit Delivery System with Statistical Sampling Methods at PT Bank BTN (Persero), Jakarta, 2006 

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Internal Audit of the Credit Delivery System with Statistical Sampling Methods at PT Bank BTN (Persero), Jakarta, 2007.

Monty’s Fertilizer Testing On Produced Palm Oil Corps in Adolina Plantation, PTPN IV, Palm Research Center, Medan, 2008

Conducting Trial on Organic Fertilizer Experiment with Ordinary Fertilizer on Rice Fields Produced in South Sulawesi with PT. Synergy Indo Perkasa Indonesia, 2010.

Sustainable Agricultural Products Supporting Indonesian Sustainable Agriculture Issuing Monty’s Plant Food International Louisville KY 40209 USA on Organic Fertilizer Trademark, 2011.

Implementation of Production Planning and Control in Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) 3 Kg Tube Production Unit of PT. Surya Go Gas Indonesia, 2018.

“Domestic Support Policies for Neutralizing the Negative Impacts of Import Tariff Reduction on Indonesian Sugar Industry” as an author published on Indonesian Center for Agricultural Socia Economic and Policy Studies (PSEKP) Available at http://ejurnal.litbang.pertanian.go.ig, 2018.

“The Effect of Sugar Import Policy on Sugar Demand”, as an author published in Perspective and Business Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.37090/jpb.v2i1.372, 2019.

“Effect of Change in World Ethanol Prices on Indonesian Sugar Industry” as an author published in International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies (IJPSAT) Available at:https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org, 2019.

“Impact of Domestic and Trade Policies on Indonesian Sugar and Molasses Industry”, dissertation research doctorate degree in Agricultural Economics IPB Available at: https://repository.ipb.ac.id/, 2020.

“The Impact of CoVid-19 on the Indonesian Sugar Industry”, as an author on a monograph on Faculty Economic and Business University of Bandar Lampung, 2022

“Study of Price and Fertilizer Subsidy Policy on the Welfare of Indonesian Cassava Farmers during the CoViD-19 Pandemic”, as an author on a monograph on Faculty Economic and Business University of Bandar Lampung, 2022

“Land Program Policy in Supporting Agricultural Smart Industry in Indonesian Molasses Products” as an author on a monograph on Faculty Economic and Business University of Bandar Lampung, 2022.


“The Impact of Policy Support on Indonesian Cassava Farmers” Turkish Journal of Agriculture – Food Science and Technology