Lecturers Needed

About the position
The Faculty of Economics & Business, University of Bandar Lampung (UBL) is seeking Lecturer’s in Management Department, Accounting Department and Tourism Department . The position is vacant from July 1st – August 15th, 2019.

At the Department, there are research groups working with Marketing, Human Resources, Accounting & Finance, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Islamic Studies.

As a Lecturer, you will primarily teach and supervise students at Bachelor’s level within above aspects, conduct research and disseminate research results within relevant research fields at the department, and contribute to the development of partnerships with industry.

The development/use of digital and diverse learning methods, innovation, value creation based on results from research and development work, will be included in the position.

Qualification requirements

We are seeking lecturers with a Master Degree (S2), PhD (S3) or equivalent qualification in Economics and Business with specialization and documented solid theoretical competence in at least one of the following fields:

  • Marketing
  • Human Resources
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Tourism
  • Islamic Studies

The appointee will participate in collaborative research with existing research groups at the Department.

The following attributes are also desirable

  • Ability to inspire colleagues with regard to research and educational development
  • Ability to initiate, obtain external funding for, lead and carry out major research and development projects
  • Research results published in recognised Indonesian and international publications, and references indicating progression in research and publications
  • A reflective and conscientious attitude towards your own teaching and supervision
  • Ability to involve and engage students in teaching where the course’s objectives, content and assessment situations are closely interlinked
  • Experience and/or interest in the development of varied learning methods and digital tools in teaching
  • Experience of partnerships with businesses
  • Experience with relevant international research networks and the ability to build and nurture networks -regionally, nationally and internationally
  • Experience with innovation and the commercialisation of research
  • Ability to manage a heavy workload, inquisitiveness, and motivation to develop new knowledge in collaboration with others
  • Good teamwork and communication skills, and ability to contribute to a constructive working environment

General information

Your application will be assessed by an expert committee. In the expert assessment, emphasis will be placed on submitted scientific works/documented artistic activity and documented teaching competence. The committe will also assess your experience with popularization /dissemination activities, university politics and administration, and any other documented qualifications relevant to the position.

Based on the expert committee’s statement, relevant applicants will be invited to an interview and a teaching demonstration before any recommendations are made.

It is a prerequisite that the appointee has a residence which enables him or her to be present at/available to the academic community during ordinary working hours.


Submit your application and CV with relevant education and experience by mentioning in the subject of your email. Example : Marketing Lecturer’s

The following documents must be uploaded as attachments to your application:

  • Relevant certificates and references.
  • Complete list of scientific work
  • Teaching and educational competence
  • Up to 10 scientific works which are pivotal to your research output, including your PhD thesis
  • Documentation of other relevant activities concerning the position requirements
  • The latest of passport photo 

The documentation must be available in English. 

Send your application to email address: febubl@ubl.ac.id