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Kevin Renocta (Student Status Management) Champion Chess Contest Switzerland System Se-Sumbagsel 29 July-1 August 2018 in Lampung State Polytechnic

Bandar Lampung resounding Accomplishment – back in the day: Bandar Lampung University students (UBL). Renocta Kevin Adico successfully won one in Chess Championship Sports Polinela Party (PESTAGALA) 2018. Activities organized by the Lampung State Polytechnic (Polinela) is housed in the building Polinela, Sunday (29/07/2018). This Championship followed dozens of participants category students se-Southern Sumatra (Sumbangsel) […]

Kevin Renocta (Student Status Management) Champion Chess Contest Switzerland System Se-Sumbagsel 29 July-1 August 2018 in Lampung State Polytechnic Read More »

Renocta Kevin (Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen) Juara I Lomba Catur Sistem Swiss Se-Sumbagsel 29 Juli-1 Agustus 2018 di Politeknik Negeri Lampung

Bandar Lampung – Prestasi gemilang kembali di raih mahasiswa Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL). Renocta Kevin Adico berhasil menjadi juara satu dalam kejuaraan catur Pesta Olahraga Polinela (PESTAGALA) 2018. Kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Politeknik Negeri Lampung (Polinela) ini bertempat di Gedung Polinela, Minggu (29/07/2018). Kejuaraan ini diikuti puluhan peserta kategori mahasiswa se-Sumatera Bagian Selatan (Sumbangsel) dan juga

Renocta Kevin (Mahasiswa Prodi Manajemen) Juara I Lomba Catur Sistem Swiss Se-Sumbagsel 29 Juli-1 Agustus 2018 di Politeknik Negeri Lampung Read More »

Yuliana (Coed Prodi accounting) for her achievements as a Talented Champion 1 2018 Lampung Coffee Ambassadors

BANDAR LAMPUNG – election night Lampung Coffee 2018 Ambassador followed 25 finalists who have diverse talents from various regions. Mekhanai Muli appearance that attracted the attention of thousands of visitors Float the 28th Festival of Krakatau in Lampung Elephant Park or Garden Elephant new Pallapa on Thursday (23/8/2018), night. Student Accounting study Program managed to

Yuliana (Coed Prodi accounting) for her achievements as a Talented Champion 1 2018 Lampung Coffee Ambassadors Read More »

Yuliana (Coed Prodi Akuntansi) atas prestasinya sebagai berbakat Juara 1 2018 Lampung kopi Duta

BANDAR LAMPUNG-malam pemilihan Lampung kopi 2018 Ambassador diikuti 25 finalis yang memiliki bakat yang beragam dari berbagai daerah. Cinta Mekhanai penampilan yang menarik perhatian ribuan pengunjung Float Festival 28 Krakatau di Lampung Elephant Park atau Taman gajah Enggal pada hari Kamis (23/8/2018), malam. Studi Akuntansi mahasiswa Program berhasil mendapatkan nya Duta berbakat Lampung kopi 2018.

Yuliana (Coed Prodi Akuntansi) atas prestasinya sebagai berbakat Juara 1 2018 Lampung kopi Duta Read More »

1st Runner Up Mister Tourism Indonesia 2018

Salah satu pemuda asal Lampung, Eben Savero Putra Hensel kembali berkiprah di kancah Nasional dalam ajang Mister Tourism dan Mister Earth Indonesia 2018 yang diselenggarakan oleh Yayasan Putra Pariwisata Indonesia. Eben berhasil meraih juara First Runner Up (RU) Mister Tourism Indonesia 2018 dan juga Missosology Choice Award dari pengamat pageant dunia (Missology Male Pageant) dalam

1st Runner Up Mister Tourism Indonesia 2018 Read More »

ICEBFG (International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance, and Governance) 2018

University of Bandar Lampung (UBL) by the Faculty of Economics and business (FEB) collaborated with the University of the Peloponnese HTEI – Greece, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, the Ukraine and the University of Lodz, Poland organized activities of The First International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance and Governance (1st ICEBFG) 2018.

ICEBFG (International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance, and Governance) 2018 Read More »

ICEBFG (International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance, and Governance) 2018

Universitas Bandar Lampung (UBL) melalui Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB) bekerja sama dengan HTEI University of the Peloponnese – Yunani, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Ukraina dan University of Lodz, Polandia selenggarakan kegiatan The First International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance and Governance (1st ICEBFG) 2018. Konferensi internasional yang mengangkat tema Economy,

ICEBFG (International Conference on Economics, Business, Finance, and Governance) 2018 Read More »

SIBR Conference Hong Kong

On 29-30 September 2018, lecturers FEB UBL follow the International Conference held in Hong Kong SIBR. Since it was inaugurated in 2008, society Business between Research disciplines (SIBR) have attempted to expand the knowledge and understanding about the real business world researchers from interdisciplinary perspectives. SIBR promote and facilitate interdisciplinary business research by providing international

SIBR Conference Hong Kong Read More »

SIBR International Conference Hongkong

Pada Tanggal 29-30 September 2018, para dosen FEB UBL mengikuti konferensi internasional SIBR yang diadakan di Hongkong. Sejak diresmikan pada tahun 2008, Masyarakat Penelitian Bisnis Antar-disiplin (SIBR) telah berusaha untuk memperluas pengetahuan dan pemahaman peneliti tentang dunia bisnis nyata dari perspektif interdisipliner. SIBR mempromosikan dan memfasilitasi penelitian bisnis interdisipliner dengan menyediakan jalan internasional di mana

SIBR International Conference Hongkong Read More »