Dr. Habiburahman, S.E., M.M.
email: habiburahman@ubl.ac.id
Jabatan Fungsional | Lektor Kepala |
NIDN | 0224086801 |
Mata Kuliah yang Diampu | 1. Manajemen Keuangan I (3 sks) |
2. Manajemen Keuangan II (3 sks) |
Nama Perguruan Tinggi | Universitas Bandar Lampung |
Bidang Ilmu | Akuntansi |
Nama Perguruan Tinggi | Universitas Lampung |
Bidang Ilmu | Akuntansi |
Nama Perguruan Tinggi | Universitas Lampung |
Bidang Ilmu | Akuntansi |
No. |
Tahun |
Judul Penelitian |
Sumber | |||
1 |
2016 |
Model Pelaporan keberlanjutan Sustainability Report bagi UKM Berdasarkan GRI 4 Th 2013
2 |
2020 |
Board Characteristics and Environmental Performance In Indonesian Family Business |
Mandiri |
3 |
2019 |
Environmental Disclosure on Cost of Capital: Environmental Risk as a Moderator Variable. |
4 |
2019 |
Does the Cost of Capital Affect Environmental Performance? |
Mandiri |
5 |
2019 |
Pengaruh Reformasi Administrasi Perpajakan Terhadap Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi Kasus Di Kpp Pratama Kedaton Bandar Lampung) |
Mandiri |
6 |
2019 |
Implementasi CSR PT. Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) 7 (Persero) dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraanMasyarakat Provinsi Lampung masyarakat di provinsi Lampung and Public Welfare Improvement: A Study in Indonesia
7 |
2019 |
Model Strategi Pemberdayaan Pengembangan UMKM Lampung |
8 |
2018 |
The Effect Of Environmental Performance And Disclosure On Financial Performance |
Mandiri |
9 |
2018 |
Prediksi Kebangkrutan Dengan Model Altman Z-Score Pada Perusahaan Farmasi Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2012-2016 |
Mandiri |
10 |
2017 |
The Effect of Ownership Structure on Environmental Performance and Its Implication towards Financial Performance (An Empirical Study on Companies Listed InIndonesian Stock Exchange) |
Mandiri |
11 |
2015 |
Analysis of Effect Size Company, Profitability, and Leverage Against Social Responsibility Disclosure of Listed Mining Industry in Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2009-2012 |
Mandiri |
No. |
Tahun |
Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat |
Sumber | |||
1 |
2020 |
Audit Laporan Keuangan Yayasan Alkaushar
Yayasan |
2 |
2020 |
Audit Laporan Keuangan PT. Tandy Bio Indonesia
Perusahaan |
3 |
2019 |
Laboratorium Keliling Pengujian Teknik Sipil Universitas Bandar Lampung (LEBING-UBL) |
4 |
2017 |
Pemberdayaan Komunitas Listrik dan Alam Punya Kita (Lampu Kita). |
5 |
2016 |
Bimbingan Teknis Pengelolaan Dana Desa bagi Operator Kampung se Kabupaten Tulang Bawang. |
6 |
2015 |
Memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pembukuan pada 4 (empat) puskesmas di Bandar Lampung. |
7 |
2015 |
Melakukan pemeriksaan laporan keuangan pengelolaan keuangan PNPM perkotaan pada 17 kelurahan di Kota Bandar Lampung |
No. |
Judul Artikel Ilmiah |
Nama Jurnal |
Volume/ Nomor/Tahun |
1 |
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan |
Vol. 11, No. 2 2020 |
2 |
The Effect Of Environmental Performance And Disclosure On Financial Performance |
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets, (Q2)
Vol. 11, No. 1, 2018 |
3 |
Environmental Disclosure on Cost of Capital: Environmental Risk as a Moderator Variable. |
Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Publishing (Q3)
Volume X, Issue 3(35) Summer 2019, |
4 |
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Welfare Improvement: A Study in Indonesia |
Journal Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, |
Vol. 8, Supplementary Issue 2, 2019 |
5 |
Board Characteristics And Environmental Performance In Indonesian Family Business |
Vol.13, No. 1, 2020, Penulis: Tri Damayanti, Haninun, Lindrianasari, Nurdiawansyah.
Link: |
6 |
Does the Cost of Capital Affect Environmental Performance? |
Indonesian Journal of Sustainability Accounting and Management, (Sinta 2) |
Volume 3, Issue 1 2019 |
7 |
The Effect of Ownership Structure on Environmental Performance and Its Implication towards Financial Performance (An Empirical Study on Companies Listed In Indonesian Stock Exchange) |
Science International Lahore Journal, ISSN: 1013-5316; CODEN: SINTE 8. (Q4) |
Vol. 29 (3), pp. 509-517 May – June 2017. Section B |
8 |
Sustainability Reporting Model for Small and Medium Enterprises in The Province of Lampung based on Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G 4. 2013 |
Proceeding Society of Interdisciplinary business Research, Kuala Lumpur. International (Conference |
Th 2017 |
9 |
Determinant stock return between company with high accounting conservatism stock and low accounting level to company registered as a stock exchange in Indonesia |
Prosiding The Third International Conference On Law, Business and Governance (ICon-LBG), UBL Lampung, Indonesia. ISSN 2339-1650. 20-21 Mei 2016 |
Th 2016 |
10 |
The influence of the financial performance and macroeconomic factors to stock return |
Prosiding International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences (IMCoSS) 2015, ISSN 2460-0598 Juni 2015 |
Th 3015 |
11 |
Analysis of The Effect Size Company, Profitability, leverage Against Corporate Social Responsibility Disclousure (Study Empirical in Indonesian stock Exchange) |
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Keuangan |
Vol 5 N01 Maret 2015 |
No |
Nama Seminar/ Pertemuan Ilmiah |
Judul Artikel Ilmiah |
Waktu dan Tempat |
1 |
International Conference SIBR Uni-KL |
The Effect Of Environmental Performance, Environmental Disclosures On Financial Performance (An Empirical Study On Manufacturing Companies Listed In Indonesian Stock Exchange)
February 3-4, 2017 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2 |
International Conference |
The Effect of Sustainabiliy Report Disclousure Quality on Financial Performance (Empirical Study in the Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesion Stock Exchange. |
30 Agust 2013 Di Unisbank Semarang |
3 |
Academic Day |
Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan terhadap Pengungkapan sustainability Report |
Senin, Okt 2016 Di Gedung F.1.2 Universitas Bandar Lampung |
4 |
Academic Day |
Pengaruh Pemahaman Manajemen terhadap Kepatuhan Pajak |
Senin, 23 Maret 2015 Di Gedung F.1.3 Universitas Bandar Lampung |
International Conference SIBR Hongkong |
Board Characteristics And Environmental Performance In Indonesian Family Business |
30 september 2018 Hongkong |
International Conference SIBR Hongkong |
Implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Welfare Improvement: A Study in Indonesia
30 september 2018 Hongkong |
International Conference SIBR Japan |
Environmental Disclosure on Cost of Capital: Environmental Risk as a Moderator Variable. |
5 Juli 2018, Osaka Japan |
No |
Judul Buku |
Tahun |
Jumlah Halaman |
Penerbit |
1 |
Kasus dan Penyelesaian Perpajakan |
2012 |
52 hlm |
UBL Press |
2 |
Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan Pada Masa Covid-19: (Monograph, Dampak dan Pencegahan Covid 19 Dalam Perspektif Multidisiplin)
2020 |
227 hlm |
No |
Tahun |
Judul |
Jenis |
NomorP/ID |
1 |
12 Januari 2019, di Bandung
Does The Cost Of Capital Affect Environmental Performance |
Artikel |
000249323 |
2 |
16 November 2018, di Hong Kong |
Implementation Of Corporate Social Responsibility And Public Welfare Improvement: A Study In Indonesia |
Artikel |
000249325 |
3 |
25 Mei 2019, di Romania |
Environmental Disclosure On Cost Of Capital: Environmental Risk As A Moderator Variable |
Artikel |
000249328 |
4 |
27 November 2019, di Bandar Lampung |
Pengaruh kinerja lingkungan, pengungkapan Lingkungan terhadap cost of capital; dengan risiko lingkungan sebagai variabel pemoderasi |
Disertasi |
000249329 |
5 |
11 April 2013, di Bandar Lampung |
Pengaruh kualitas pengungkapan sustainability report terhadap kinerja keuangan (Study Empiris Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia) |
Tesis |
000249331 |
6 |
25 Nov 2019 |
Desain Industri Labbing (Lab Keliling) |
Design industri |
IDD0000056796 |
7 |
-2019 |
Model Strategi Pemberdayaan PengembanganUMKM Lampung |
Artikel |